Mediation with Binding Arbitration
Divorce Mediation consists of a structured discussion between spouses facilitated by an impartial, neutral and trained professional. The goal of the mediator is to guide both people towards workable, practical solutions to their differences. The final result is a workable agreement between the parties which resolves their differences with the minimum amount of additional animosity in the relationship.
Leskin Law’s One Day Divorce Mediation approaches mediation differently from other mediation services. In order to bring about a one-day divorce, if the parties cannot agree on a particular issue, the mediator will decide the outstanding issues applying Oregon law – in the same way that an Oregon judge would decide. This part of the process is known as arbitration.
The great advantage of this approach is that your divorce will be done in one day. You will not spend hours stretched over weeks to resolve your differences. You will be done about six weeks after agreeing to mediate (plus some additional time to prepare and sign documents).
Your divorce will be done in one day.
Steven Leskin, the creator of Leskin Law’s One Day Divorce Mediation, is very well qualified to mediate and ultimately arbitrate your differences. He has been a lawyer in Oregon since 1992 and litigating family law cases since 2001. He has litigated and mediated hundreds of cases. He is a member of the Oregon State Bar, The Oregon Mediation Association, and the Academy of Professional Family Law Mediators.
The impetus for One Day Divorce Mediation came from Mr. Leskin’s frustration with the courts and legal process. The courts are not designed to help people (although individual court staff can be incredibly helpful and compassionate). The courts are designed to protect litigant’s rights. And, that means that there is a lot of unnecessary process which drives up costs, creates opportunities for discord, and adds months, if not years, of time to the dissolution process.
The advantages of Leskin Law’s One Day Divorce Mediation are: the divorcing couple remains in control of the process, it is not adversarial, you do not have to go to court, you do not have to expend absurd amounts of money (each) on lawyers, you will not experience court delays, and the process itself will not make a bad situation worse.
Contact us for a free initial consultation and know if you qualify for this innovative Oregon divorce.
Do You Qualify For Leskin Law’s One Day Divorce Mediation?
One Day Divorce is not appropriate for every couple or every situation. We do not accept a case if any of the following is true:
Regarding Children:
- There are allegations of physical, emotional or verbal child abuse;
- Custody (not parenting time) of a minor child is disputed (joint custody or an agreement that one parent or the other shall have custody is acceptable);
Regarding Husband or Wife:
- One spouse lacks the cognitive capacity to contract;
- One spouse suffers a condition requiring expert financial/medical/legal planning;
- One spouse is not capable of using email or streaming technology such as Zoom. We can lend a tablet or make other arrangements.
Regarding Assets and Liabilities:
- A spouse suspects the other of concealing assets, liabilities or income.
- Either spouse owns, or has an interest in, a business requiring valuation;
- Either spouse owns stock options or other complicated financial instruments which will need to be professionally valued;