Explaining Oregon Law - Interim Support Orders

In Multnomah County, it may very well take one year before a divorce case goes before a judge. Suppose husband was the stay at home parent and has not worked in 15 years. Suppose there is a child. How is husband going to support himself in these circumstances?

Oregon law provides for interim support, other wise knows as Pendente Lite support. I honestly have to admit, I do not know what Pendente Lite means. In any event, before the General Judgment of Dissolution is filed, the court is authorized by to provide support, and other relief, between the time the Petition is filed and the judgment is signed.

Either spouse can request interim relief. That relief can include:

Temporary spousal support

Temporary child support

Temporary custody of the minor children

Exclusive use of the house

And money for attorney fees.

For an Order prohibiting disposing of personal or real property

From “molesting or interfering with either party or the minor children”

Often times, interim relief is necessary for the well being of a spouse until relief becomes available through the divorce judgment. In the example above with the stay at home dad without independent resources, the court very well may order spousal support, child support, temporary custody, exclusive use of the home and some money to help defray attorney fees.