Ask An Attorney: Can My Spouse Have Someone at the Mediation?

Welcome to Ask an Attorney. Today’s question comes from Bend the writer wants to know if in her upcoming mediation to modify a parenting plan whether her current husband will be allowed to sit with her and join her at the mediation against or with her ex-husband.

My name is Steven Leskin. I am a divorce attorney in Portland Oregon. You can find me at I post new content every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at about 10 o’clock. If you like what you see here, please like, subscribe, or comment below. Your input and engagement is valued.

So the writer has an upcoming mediation and she wants her current husband to sit in with her during the mediation with her former husband and the mediation nothing really matters for this question it involves parenting time and probably a modification of child support, so the answer to that is maybe. It depends on what the mediator wants to do. Sometimes the mediator wil ask a third party, you know who is joining, what they’re doing there and if they say they’re just there to give support then they’ll say that’s fine, but you need to not volunteer or contribute you can help your spouse out but you’re not entitled to engage or participate in the negotiations. Other mediators, they just say no you can’t, this is a mediation between the parties the ex-spouse and not allow a third party to join the mediation.

So again, my name is Steven Leskin. I am a divorce attorney and mediator and arbitrator in Portland you can find me at

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