Ask An Attorney: How Long Does Divorce Mediation Take?

Welcome to Ask An Attorney. Today’s question comes from Portland. The writer wants to know how long it takes to mediate.

My name is Steven Leskin. I’m a divorce and family law attorney in Portland, Oregon.

Mediation can take an hour. It could take days. It could occur over the course of a month or so. The way I do mediation is I set a definite time for my divorce mediations. I set a time that it will start and a time that it will finish. Whatever issues are not resolved at the end of the mediation, the attorney need makes the final decisions. That’s unusual. That’s a hybrid mediation binding arbitration model, but I find that it’s effective because the deadline forces people to make a decision, and if they can make the decision, they know that they’re dispute is going to be over on that date – and then I’ll apply to Oregon law impartially to come to a fair result based on my understanding of the law.

I am a divorce and family law attorney in Portland. Please visit, where you’ll see a place there to submit your questions.

Thank you. -Steven